2020-03-20 18:50
  1. 登录教育部考试中心托福报名网站,进入我的托福主页,在“托福复习套餐”>"查看套餐“栏目中获取托福在线练习(TPO)授权码并可点击“访问站点”直达TPO网站。
  2. 访问托福在线练习(TPO)主页:ttph://
  2.1 登录/注册您的TPO帐号
  2.2 在左侧菜单栏选择“输入授权码(Enter Authorization Code)”,并输入您的授权码
  2.3 在“开始新的考试(Start a New Test)”下选择“开始在线考试(Start Online)”  
  FREE, Full-Length TOEFL® Practice Online (TPO) Test 
  If you were scheduled to test in April and your test was cancelled due to the public health emergency, the TOEFL® Program and NEEA have provided you with a FREE, official full-length TOEFL Practice Online (TPO) test. We hope that you can use this time to continue preparing so that you can do your best on test day. To obtain your authorization code and access the TPO, please follow the steps below:
  1. Logon to your account at NEEA TOEFL registration website, at “View TOEFL Value Package”>”TOEFL Practice Online Complete Practice Test”, view your Auth Code and access TPO website by clicking “ACCESS SITE”
  2. Go to the TOEFL Practice Online homepage
  2.1 Sign in to your TPO account, or create an account if you don’t have one.
  2.2 From the left menu, select “Enter Authorization Code,” and enter your code.
  2.3 Under “Start a New Test,” select “Start Online.”
  You have 90 days to activate your code and 90 days after activation to complete the test.

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教育部考试中心 2020-01-27 11:25